Functions (date, time)
Working with date and time functions for scheduling and time-sensitive operations.
Operators in this group ensure the execution of logical operations with operands of the date/time type. The result of the operations is the date.
This operator generates a new date value:
- adding the specified number of minutes to the current date value, if a positive value is specified;
Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z, then 2023-01-01T00:05:00Z.

- subtracting the specified number of minutes from the current date value, if a negative value is specified.
Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-01-01T00:25:00Z, then 2023-01-01T00:20:00Z.

This operator generates a new date value:
- adding the specified number of hours to the current date value, if a positive value is specified;
Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z, then 2023-01-01T10:00:00Z.

- subtracting the specified number of hours from the current date value, if a negative value is specified.
Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-01-01T12:00:00Z, then 2023-01-01T04:00:00Z.

This operator generates a new date value:
- adding the specified number of days to the current date value, if a positive value is specified;
Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z, then 2023-01-02T00:00:00Z.

- subtracting the specified number of days from the current date value, if a negative value is specified.
Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z, then 2022-12-29T00:00:00Z.

This operator generates a new date value:
- adding the specified number of months to the current date value, if a positive value is specified;

Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z, then 2023-05-01T00:00:00Z.
- subtracting the specified number of months from the current date value, if a negative value is specified.
Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z, then 2021-12-01T00:00:00Z.

This operator generates a new date value by replacing the minutes of the current date with a specified value.

- Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-01-31T11:11:00Z, then 2023-01-31T11:05:00Z.
This operator generates a new date value by replacing the hours of the current date with a specified value.

- Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-01-31T11:11:00Z, then 2023-01-31T05:11:00Z.
This operator generates a new date value by replacing the day of the current date with the specified value. The new day value can be either a number or the name of the day in Latin
- Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-09-03T00:00:00Z, then 2023-09-10T00:00:00Z.

- Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-09-03T00:00:00Z, then 2023-09-04T00:00:00Z.

This operator returns the date in the requested format and in the specified time zone if provided.

- Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-09-03T00:00:00Z, then 03.09.2023 03:00
This operator converts a string into a date in the requested format.

- Example: If 3.ValueSV = 2023-09-03, then 2023-09-03T00:00:00Z.
Combination of parseDate and formatDate
In cases where the initial date value is provided as a string, the combination of parseDate and formatDate can be used. This allows you to first convert the string into a date value and then format it into the desired format.
Example: If 3.ValueSV = "2030-03-14 08:45:12" (string), to convert it into the format DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss, use the following construction:

Result: 14.03.2030 08:45:12.
Use this combination if:
- The initial date value is provided as a string.
- You need to convert the string into a date value and format it into the required format.