Functions 2

Advanced function usage for handling complex automation scenarios.


Operators in this group ensure the execution of logical operations with operands and output the result. The outcome of these operations varies.


encode URL

This operator сonverts the text part of the string to an encoded URL.

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  • Result of the expression: URL.
  • Example: If 3.ValueSV = ‘Δοκιμή’, then ‘%CE%94%CE%BF%CE%BA%CE%B9%CE%BC%CE%AE’.

decode URL

This operator decodes a URL into the original text string.

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  • Result of the expression: Text.
  • Example: If 3.ValueSV = '%CE%94%CE%BF%CE%BA%CE%B9%CE%BC%CE%AE', then 'Δοκιμή'.

escape markdown

This operator escapes special characters in a string, such as the asterisk "*", by adding a backslash before the character.

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  • Result of the expression: Text with escaping.
  • Example: If 3.ValueSV = 'Latenode*', then 'Latenode\*'.


This operator splits a string into an array of substrings using a chosen delimiter.

This function trims substrings (removes spaces from both ends of the substring), and if the trimmed substring becomes an empty string, it is excluded from the array by default.
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  • Result of the expression: Array of substrings.
  • Example: If 3.ValueSV = 'Latenode.No', then [ "Latenode", "No" ]


This operator converts a string or number into an encoded representation using the md5 algorithm.

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  • Result of the expression: Value in md5 encoding.
  • Example: If 3.ValueSV = 'Latenode', then 'cda182c15952870f090372f4811abe7b'.


This operator converts a string or number into an encoded representation using the sha1 algorithm.

Notion image
  • Result of the expression: Value in sha1 encoding.
  • Example: If 3.ValueSV = 'Latenode', then '16fc251ab241e924273ad70315fc5887d641140e'.


This operator converts a string or number into an encoded representation using the sha256 algorithm.

Notion image
  • Result of the expression: Value in sha256 encoding.
  • Example: If 3.ValueSV = 'Latenode', then 'a10967ea390e513139a6a7e56dc0f0dc32dd50a10d677a3ac622adff351c9781'.


This operator converts a string or number into an encoded representation using the sha512 algorithm.

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  • Result of the expression: Value in sha512 encoding.
  • Example: If 3.ValueSV = 'Latenode', then '119c2aaa3245368e2d18d939702c270cb7beaa4627b97cd48a54661b6213a43238215e74b8cb445efb671324d371b479f50753082cd7a30d7e9d6706eca245b7'.


This operator converts a string or number into an encoded representation using the base64 algorithm.

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  • Result of the expression: Value in base64 encoding.
  • Example: If 3.ValueSV = 'Latenode', then 'TGF0ZW5vZGU='.
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