Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud Pub/Sub

Managing cloud storage and message queues.

To use nodes from the Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud Pub/Sub groups, you need to obtain a key (token) and authorize access.

Obtaining a Token

To get a key (token), follow these steps:

1. Create a Google account and visit this link.

2. On the Create service accounts page, click Enable the API.

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3. On the Enable API wizard page, click CREATE PROJECT.

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4. Configure the project and click CREATE.

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5. Confirm the project and allow API usage.

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6. Go to this link and scroll down. Click Go to Create a service account.

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  1. Select the project created in step 4.
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8. Configure the account details (only the name is mandatory, but defining access rights is recommended) and click DONE.

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9. Go to this link and scroll down. Click Go to Service accounts.

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10. Select the project created in step 4.

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11. Select the account address for which you need to create a key.

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12. Go to the KEYS tab and click the ADD KEY dropdown.

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13. Choose Create new key.

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14. Select the JSON key type and click CREATE.

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15. View the downloaded key in JSON format. Open the file in any text editor and copy its contents.

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16. Go to this link and select the project created in step 4.

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17. Search for the desired API and choose either Cloud Storage API or Cloud Pub/Sub API.

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18. Enable the API by clicking ENABLE.

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Authorization Setup in Nodes

When configuring nodes in the Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud Pub/Sub groups, you need to authorize access. To do this: 1. Select the desired node, for example, from the Google Cloud Pub/Sub group.

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2. Click the Create an authorization button.

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3. Click New authorization and choose Cloud Pub/Sub.

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4. In the service_json field, enter the previously obtained key in JSON format and click Authorize.

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5. Verify the authorization in the node and complete the remaining node configuration fields.

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You can view the node's execution result by running the scenario or clicking the Run once button on the node.

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