
Managing and manipulating variables effectively.


Operators in this group provide the capability to return specific values.



This operator returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight (00:00:00 UTC) on January 1, 1970 (Thursday), also known as the Unix epoch time.

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  • Result of the expression: Number (count of seconds).
  • Example: If the function is executed at 2023-09-10T18:39:01Z, then 1694360344.


This operator returns the current date and time.

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  • Result of the expression: Date and time.
  • Example: If the function is executed at 2023-09-10T15:40:28Z, then 2023-09-10T15:40:28Z.


This operator returns the value of the global variable whose name is specified as an operand.

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  • Result of the expression: Value of a global variable (string, number, boolean value).
  • Example: If the dayTemp variable exists and its value is 283.500000, then 283.500000.
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