Modifying data in a collection

Inserting, updating, and deleting records in database collections.

When you want to modify data in a collection, you need to select objects and apply a set of modifiers to them.

There are two ways to select objects:

  • specify the identifier of a specific object


We use YAML for the modifier format.

- Поле:        path
  Тип:         string
  Описание:    Address inside the object that is being modified.
               If you specify "." then the modification will replace the entire
               content of the object
- Поле:        set
  Тип:         Expression
  Описание:    Expression to calculate the value


All filter sets start with the keyword conditions , and all modifier sets start with the keyword items


Let's imagine that we have an object that we can get using the following filter:

  - operation: equal
      field: "object_id"
      value: "5bd4b778-1f7f-4fce-ab89-dd6eb6dfaf98"

Object value:

  "test": 123

Let's apply modifiers

  - path: "."
            id: "123"
  - path: "a.b.i"
      value: 123
  - path: "a.b.s"
      value: "string"
  - path: "a.b.f"
      field: "object_id"
  - path: "a.b.p"
      path: "a.b.i"

The first modifier replaces all objects with the described object.

  "a": {
    "b": {
      "id": "123"

The second modifier adds a value of type number to the object.

  "a": {
    "b": {
      "id": "123",
      "i": 123

The third modifier adds a value of type string to the object.

  "a": {
    "b": {
      "id": "123",
      "i": 123,
      "s": "string"

The fourth modifier adds a value of type string to the object, and the value is taken from the object_id field from the system information about the object.

  "a": {
    "b": {
      "id": "123",
      "i": 123,
      "s": "string",
      "f": "aebe4239-0fb9-4e87-9f52-9dc8228467e8"

The fifth modifier adds a value to the object taken from the same object after the previous modifiers.

  "a": {
    "b": {
      "id": "123",
      "i": 123,
      "s": "string",
      "f": "aebe4239-0fb9-4e87-9f52-9dc8228467e8",
      "p": 123


This section lists all the expressions that you can use in the conditions.

- Expression:  Field
  Field:       field
  Type:        string
  Description: This extension allows you to get the value of a record field in its entirety.
               Below you can see the available values for this extension:
               • object_id
               • value
               • created_at
- Expression:  Path
  Field:       path
  Description: This extension allows you to look inside an object value.
               To view nested values, use the dot separator.
               • a
               • a.b
               • a.b.c
- Expression:  Value
  Field:       value
  Type:        string, number, array, object, bool
  Description: This extension allows you to specify a specific value for further comparison
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