Global Variables in JavaScript Node

Using JavaScript to read, update, and manipulate global variables.

With the JavaScript node, it is possible to manage global variables.

ะกreate Global Variables

To create a global variable using the JavaScript node, you need to:

1. Add aย JavaScriptย node to the scenario with the following code:

export default async function run({ execution_id, input, data, store }) {
 // Set Global vars directly from JS
 // String, Obj and Number are available
 const gv_str = await store.setGlobalVariable("GlobalVarFromJs_string", "global var string value");
 const gv_obj = await store.setGlobalVariable("GlobalVarFromJs_obj", {"key":"global var object value"});
 const gv_num = await store.setGlobalVariable("GlobalVarFromJs_number", 100);

 return {

This code represents an asynchronous functionย run. This function is intended for execution in a web automation scenario and uses objects ย execution_id, ย input,ย  data, andย store.

The function defines global variables GlobalVarFromJs_string, GlobalVarFromJs_obj, GlobalVarFromJs_number and saves them using the store.setGlobalVariable method. These global variables can be used later in other nodes of the scenario.

2. Run the JavaScript node once and wait for its execution;

3. View the globally created variables GlobalVarFromJs_string, GlobalVarFromJs_obj, GlobalVarFromJs_number on the Global variables interface.

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4. Check for the presence of new global variables when filling in the parameters of any other node:

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Getting Global Variables

To get a global variable using a JavaScript node, you need to:

1. Add a JavaScript node to the scenario with the following code:

export default async function run({ execution_id, input, data, store }) {

 // Get Global Vars
 const res_gv_str = await store.getGlobalVariable("GlobalVarFromJs_string")
 const res_gv_obj = await store.getGlobalVariable("GlobalVarFromJs_obj")
 const res_gv_num = await store.getGlobalVariable("GlobalVarFromJs_number")

 return {
  res_gv_str, res_gv_obj, res_gv_num

This code represents an asynchronous functionย run. This function is designed to be executed in a web automation scenario and utilizes objects ย execution_id,ย  input, ย data, andย store. The code retrieves values of global variables using the ย store.getGlobalVariableย method. This method returns values of previously set global variables.

2. Run the JavaScript node once and wait for its execution to complete;

3. Check the output data of the JavaScript node for the values of global variables:

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Removing Global Variables

Added global variables can be deleted. To delete a global variable using a JavaScript node, follow these steps:

1. Add a JavaScript node to the scenario with the following code:

export default async function run({ execution_id, input, data, store }) {
 // Del Global vars directly from JS

await store.deleteGlobalVariable("GlobalVarFromJs_string")
await store.deleteGlobalVariable("GlobalVarFromJs_obj")
await store.deleteGlobalVariable("GlobalVarFromJs_number")

 return {

The code represents an asynchronous function run designed to be executed in a web automation scenario, utilizing the objects execution_id, input, data, and store. The function deletes existing global variables GlobalVarFromJs_string, GlobalVarFromJs_obj, GlobalVarFromJs_number using the store.deleteGlobalVariable method. Global variables are permanently deleted and cannot be used by other scenarios.

2. Run the JavaScript node once and wait for its execution;

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3. Check for the absence of global variables GlobalVarFromJs_string, GlobalVarFromJs_obj, GlobalVarFromJs_number on the Global Variables interface.

Getting a list of global variables

To get a list of global variables using a JavaScript node, follow these steps:

1. Add a JavaScript node to the scenario with the following code:

export default async function run({ execution_id, input, data, store }) {
 // List Global vars directly from JS

const List = await store.listGlobalVariables()

 return {

The code represents an asynchronous function run designed to be executed in a web automation scenario, utilizing the objects execution_id, input, data, and store. The function allows obtaining a list of all existing global variables using the store.listGlobalVariables method.

2. Run the JavaScript node once and wait for its execution.

3. Examine the output data of the JavaScript node, which will contain an array of global variables. Attributes are provided for each global variable:

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  • Name "key";
  • Type "type";
  • Editability indicator "editable";
  • Creation date "created_at";
  • Last modification date "last_modified_at".
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