Using the Headless Browser Node
Automating web interactions.
As an example, let's create a scenario that:
- Generates currency names whose exchange rates need to be retrieved.
- Returns the exchange rates of these currencies against the British Pound.
We will use the BoE website as the data source. The web page provides a table of various currency exchange rates against the British Pound.
To set up this scenario, you need to create four nodes:

- (1) Trigger on Run once: This node initiates the scenario when you click the Run Once button;
- (2) JavaScript: This node generates currency names in JSON format;

export default async function run({execution_id, input, data, store}) { return { C1: "US", C2: "Euro" }; }
- (3) Headless browser: This node processes the web page and retrieves the required parameters using the code below. Use
const currencyCode1
andconst currencyCode2
to select parameters from the previous JavaScript node:

async function run({execution_id, input, data, page}) { // Retrieve currency codes from the data passed by node 3 const currencyCode1 = data["{{$2.C1}}"]; // Variable for the first currency code const currencyCode2 = data["{{$2.C2}}"]; // Variable for the second currency code // Set User-Agent to mimic browser requests await page.setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36'); // Navigate to the Bank of England's currency rates page await page.goto(''); // Wait for the currency rates table to load await page.waitForXPath('//*[@id="editorial"]/table'); // Find the element with the currency rate corresponding to the first code and get its value const currency1Element = await page.waitForXPath(`//td[a[contains(@title, "${currencyCode1}")]]/following-sibling::td[1]`, {timeout: 30000}); var currency1 = await currency1Element.evaluate(el => el.textContent.trim()); // Find the element with the currency rate corresponding to the second code and get its value const currency2Element = await page.waitForXPath(`//td[a[contains(@title, "${currencyCode2}")]]/following-sibling::td[1]`, {timeout: 30000}); var currency2 = await currency2Element.evaluate(el => el.textContent.trim()); // Construct a JSON object with the desired structure const result = { C1: `${currencyCode1} - ${currency1}`, C2: `${currencyCode2} - ${currency2}`, }; // Return this object return result; }
- (4) Webhook response: This node formats the response for the scenario execution.

The result of this scenario is a string with the exchange rate parameters of the British Pound according to the BoE table.

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