Using conditional filtering routes

Applying conditions to filter and direct data.

As an example, let's create a scenario that generates a random number between 0 and 20. The scenario will result in one of two messages:

  • "The value is greater than 10" - if the generated number is greater than 10.
  • "The value is less than or equal to 10" - if the generated number is 10 or less.

To set up this scenario, you need to add four nodes and two routes with filtering conditions:

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  • (1) Trigger on Run once: This node initiates the scenario when you click the Run Once button;
  • (2) JavaScript: This node contains code to generate a random number between 0 and 20;
export default async function run({execution_id, input, data, store}) {
    const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;

    return {
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  • (3) Webhook Response "Greater than 10": This node returns the message "The value is greater than 10";
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  • (4) Route between JavaScript and Webhook Response "Greater than 10": This route has a filtering condition set to {{$2.randomNumber > 10}};
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  • (5) Webhook Response "Less than 10": This node returns the message "The value is less than or equal to 10";
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  • (6) Route between JavaScript and Webhook Response "Less than 10": This route has a filtering condition set to {{$2.randomNumber <= 10}};
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The result of the scenario is the appropriate message based on the generated value:

  • If the generated number is 10 or less, the scenario follows the route "Less than or equal to 10", and the Webhook Response "Less than 10" node sends the response.
  • If the generated number is greater than 10, the scenario follows the route "Greater than 10", and the Webhook Response "Greater than 10" node sends the response.
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